Revista Derecho (Traducción)
Vol. 1
eBook: acceso abierto
Revista Derecho, of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences, in line with its mission as a higher education institution dedicated to training professionals with a strong critical and proactive capacity to consolidate the Rule of Law, Peace, and Democracy in Salvadoran society, and to contribute to problem-solving and scientific development in our country, presents four academic articles and one legal study.
Colección: Revista Derecho
e-ISSN: 2789-3960
Edition: 1 / 2015
Pages: 203
by Evelyn Beatriz Farfán Mata
Historical Approach to the Constitutional Regulation of Political Rights and their Evolution in Political Participation in El Salvador
by William Ernesto Santamaría Alvarenga
Plural Municipal Councils in El Salvador: Democratic Debt or an Obstacle to Governance?
by Odaly Lisette Sánchez Arias
The Influence of Decisions by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the Criminal Law of Member States. Report on El Salvador
by Jaime Edwin Martínez Ventura
Innovations in Competence in the Civil and Commercial Procedural Code
by José Reinerio Carranza
Brief reference to the principialist conception of law and the life cycle of obligations. Prescription and expiration in family matters
by Cristian Eduardo Palacios Martínez